Our T-shirt Collection
“Remember those 6 rules -
1. Trust yourself. 2.Break some rules 3.Don’t be afraid to fail. 4.Ignore the naysayers. 5.Work like hell. 6.Give something back”
You know when you wake up and have the feeling of dread of going to work, your job has becomes predictable and uninspiring, and you drag your body out of bed, peer through the window and wonder why nothing is changing? You start seeking a way out, and you start doing a lot of soul searching. Hundreds of ideas for a startup business run through your head. You make lists, and you kill some ideas before they're even born - but you realise you can't go on like this forever, so you decide to start! You want to move forward to make the change...you want to take a risk, but how big a risk? The risk isn’t so high when you still keeping your job ...so you say to yourself this is a calculated risk, or you call it an experiment. But so many people just sit back and complain day after day that nothing changes, just moan and groan about their lives and never completely understanding how they got there. So you hear all this and have to make the change yourself, no need to dive in head first...baby steps towards the big leaps. So several years ago I did just this with my partner while we were managing a business (a job to pay the bills and rent). We started our own range of products; t-shirts for men and women. So, we started: sketching and planning, finding a factory, working out the costings and where they could be sold, designing the graphics and embellishments, choosing fabrics, colours and styles, starting making the idea a reality. It was a journey to say the least; trying to put a range together whilst you're in a full time job -a juggling act - but we did it and we learnt a lot on the way....and its the first baby steps of many more before we can take the big leap! I put a few images together of some of my personal favorites from the range.
Flying Birds
Flying Birds
Rose Queen
Rose Man
Rose Man
Starburst Girl
Lady Liberty
Lady Liberty
Future Bug
Big Flower
Sketch Girl
Sketch Girl
2 Hearts -red
2 Hearts-red
Angel -red
2 hearts -white
2 hearts-white
Kaleidoscopic Love