Flying Bird
“You have escaped the cage. Your wings are stretched out. Now fly.”
Over 3 years ago my younger sister Aliye passed away from terminal cancer. It was a very painful and life changing experience for me personally. I took care of her in her last few months in hospital...trying to make sure she was comfortable as can be; but seeing someone you love eaten away by this unforgiving disease is heart wrenching and leaves you numb for many months afterwards. It took me a long time to heal and mourn. I had made her a promise I could not break... that I would design again and create something beautiful in her honour, something beautiful, as she was. So once I was back on my feet after months of healing from the shock of what I had just been through. I started working on my ideas and decided to design a collection of beautiful dinnerware. Aliye had a huge heart, and always loved cooking and feeding everyone. Her kitchen cabinets were full of plates, mugs and cups and saucers, so tableware seemed the right spirit to move forward with.
This is the Fourth collection called Flying Bird of a series of 4 Collections of beautiful high end ceramics dedicated to R.I.P, Aliye :))
Free as a bird in tropical brights, charming and playful. A fresh whimsical approach to ceramics
Flying Bird - dinner plate
Flying Bird - bowl
Flying Bird - teacup
Flying Bird - dinner plate,salad plate and saucer
Flying Bird - Complete collection, dinner plate, salad plate, teacup and saucer, mug, big bowl & small bowl and coaster